High Quality, Ethically Sourced Crystals Shipped Within Australia and Worldwide




When we catch up with old friends we can see how far we have come in life.  We are reminded nothing is static and everything is constantly changing and evolving.

Sometimes the change is yearned for, other times it is thrust upon us, whether we like it or not. The only thing we can actually be certain of in life is that nothing will stay the same.
To help us make the transition smoother we can call upon the energy of the crystals to help us...
Rainbow Moonstone is said to calm emotions and help us restructure our lives.  It is also said to be good for manifestation.
Kyanite helps us cut through our emotional ties and any unhelpful beliefs that may be holding us back.  It helps us to understand why events happen and allows for open, honest communication to assist us with the transition.
Labradorite assists us in trusting our own judgement.
Tigers Eye boosts self confidence and helps us release the fears that are holding us back.
Amazonite is good for hope and success.  It allows us to understand what it is we actually want and allows us to take risks to do something different.
We love carrying crystals or wearing them as jewellery.  When we wear them they also act as a physical reminder that the changes coming our way are positive and will help us grow and move forward in life.  


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