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New Year...


I don't know about you but I rarely get my act together to do a new years resolution.....but right now we are coming up to Chinese New Year so I feel I am better placed to work on some ideas...


This is the year of the Rat - this is both our Chinese zodiac as well as that of our daughters.  So this year I have decided I want to look after myself, no more excuses.  For me this involves looking after my emotional and spiritual health as well as my physical health.  It is easy for for us to forget about these aspects of our lives as we go about our busy day but it can come at a cost. And sometimes this cost is too high. Something that is important for us all to remember is that in order to care for others we need to care for ourselves - even if it is a bit cliche.
Some questions you may want to consider at this time include:   
What can you do to look after yourself?  What can you prioritise for yourself this year?  Is there something you have always wanted to do but have not?
What services in your local area can be of benefit to you? Is there a local mediation class?  A yoga class?  Maybe you would like to take up painting... or just go for a walk....
January 25th is Chinese New Year.  Think about what you would like to achieve in the coming year.  Write it all down and give yourself a time frame in which to act and achieve your goals. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable relevant and time based, in other words SMART goals.
And while you are at it, grab some crystals to help you with motivation.  The types of crystals you might want to consider are those often associated with the lower chakras as they often help push us forward and assist us in meeting our needs.
Crystals you may want to get include carnelian, citrine, amethyst, unakite, ruby or red tigers eye, pyrite.  Have a look at our shop and see what draws your attention.  This may be the crystal you need to help you move forward.

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